Acoustic Induced Vibration

Asset Integrity can assist in mitigating the impact of Acoustic Induced vibration (AIV) and reduce costs associated with over-conservative piping schedules and devices. We carry out design studies in accordance with internationally recognised guidelines such as CONCAWE, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and Shell and Exxon Screening methods.

Asset Integrity also carries out other services which compliment AIV analysis. These services include finite element analysis (FEA), on-site measurements and troubleshooting, flow induced vibration (FIV) analysis and pipe stress analysis.

About Acoustic Induced Vibration

Gas systems which contain pressure reducing devices such as relief valves, control valves or orifice plates have the potential to generate high levels of acoustic energy within the pipe. This acoustic energy has the capacity to produce very high levels of vibration and noise at the pipe wall, and can lead to catastrophic failure of the pipe, failure of nearby branch connections (e.g. small bore fittings), or failure at other stress concentrations (i.e. fabricated tees or welded pipe supports).

Due to the high frequency characteristic of Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV), the time to fatigue failure is usually very short (typically a few hours, but can be as quick as a few minutes in some circumstances). Acoustically induced fatigue is of particular concern as it tends to affect safety related assets such as relief and blowdown systems.

Excessive noise requiring double hearing protection can be common during some blowdown cases, and poses a risk to nearby personnel. If the initial design of relief systems neglects the effect of elevated AIV levels, this can have costly implications for noise control and managing noise induced hearing loss once a facility is operational.


“High levels of vibration and noise at the pipe wall, and can lead to catastrophic failure of the pipe.”

Typical Problem- Analysis Type- Asset
Design a petrochemical plant in compliance to Energy Institute (EI) guidelines- AIV Calculations- Relief System
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Mitigate the risk of fatigue failure during flaring conditions- AIV Calculations- Relief System
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Reduce material costs (i.e. reduce pipe sizes and schedules) for relief systems- AIV Calculations- Relief System
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Investigate failure of relief system due to AIV- AIV Calculations
- Field Measurements
- Relief System
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Design needs to incorporate allowable number of let-downs based on fatigue- AIV Calculations- Relief System
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Intolerable levels of noise downstream from pressure reducing device- AIV Calculations
- Field Measurements
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
Excessive levels of high frequency vibration measured downstream of strainer- AIV Calculations
- Field Measurements
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
- Strainer