Pipe Stress Analysis

Asset Integrity provides pipe stress analysis for your new, existing, or expanding facility. The analysis we perform can take into account the common loading conditions applied to piping (e.g. thermal, deadload, wind, seismic etc), or more complicated loading conditions which require in-depth analysis (e.g. high frequency, harmonic loads caused by machinery, etc). We offer a range of engineering services for the design or investigation of piping, pipe supports, equipment packages, pressure vessels and structures, and can provide practical solutions to mitigate the risk of failure and prevent loss of containment.

Asset Integrity uses software capable of piping design in compliance with industry recognised standards (e.g. ASME B31.3), and complicated pipe stress analysis. Complimenting services Asset Integrity can provide include finite element analysis (FEA), structural analysis, pulsation analysis, and on-site measurements and troubleshooting.

About Pipe Stress Analysis

Stresses induced throughout piping systems due to thermal growth must be considered during the design stage. Pipe stress analysis allows us to design and position suitable supports for piping systems to reduce the risk of catastrophic failures and comply with design codes (e.g. B31.1)


“Stresses induced throughout piping systems due to thermal growth must be considered during the design stage.”
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a Pipe Span showing Higher Order Pipe Wall Modeshape

Typical ProblemAnalysis TypeAsset
Piping design to ASME B31.3 (code compliance)- Pipe Stress Analysis- Pipe
Excessive vibration of compressor piping leading to requirements for pipe, support, and instrumentation re-design- Pipe Stress Analysis
- Pipe
- Pipe Support
- Equipment Package
- Instrumentation
Revised pressure vessel design requiring piping reroute- Pipe Stress Analysis- Pipe
- Pressure vessel
Revised operating conditions for piping- Pipe Stress Analysis- Pipe
- Equipment Package
Piping design using industry recognised software (e.g. CAESAR II, AutoPIPE)- Pipe Stress Analysis- Pipe
Damaged pipe/supports/structure due to pressure surge- Pipe Stress Analysis
- Water hammer Analysis
- Field Measurements
- Pipe
- Pipe Support
- Structure
Develop design philosophy documents for piping, fitting and instrumentation
design (with particular consideration for dynamic forces)
- Design Philosophy- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
- Instrumentation
Determine life extension possibilities for existing assets- Pipe Stress Analysis
- Field Measurements
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
- Pipe Support
- Structure
- Equipment Package
Concern for fatigue failure due to nearby mechanical vibration source- Pipe Stress Analysis
- Field Measurements
- Pipe / Valve / Fitting
- Instrumentation
- Structure